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Cannot specify 4 arguments (hash algorithm name) for Rfc2898DeriveBytes

According to the docs here , I should be able to create Rfc2898DeriveBytes with a custom hash algorithm (SHA256 in my case):

public Rfc2898DeriveBytes (byte[] password, byte[] salt, int iterations, System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName hashAlgorithm);

I have created a .NET Standard 2.0 class library with the following:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



My Class

private static byte[] Pbkdf2(string data)
    // ...
    using(var pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(null, null, 50000, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256))
        return pbkdf2.GetBytes(32);

I get the following error:

'Rfc2898DeriveBytes' does not contain a constructor that takes 4 arguments

Why can I not add a hash algorithm to the constructor of Rfc2898DeriveBytes ?

The link you posted is for .NET Framework, not .NET Standard. The documentation for.NET Standard is here . In .NET Standard there is no constructor with 4 parameters.

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