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How to combine two javascripts?

Would anyone be so kind as to advise me how to amend this JavaScript please? I'll admit I don't have much experience working with JavaScript and I've tried myself but ended up a bit lost.

To explain, WooCommerce outputs products on my site in .columns-3 and .columns-4, and assigns .first and .last classes accordingly.

If the site is loaded on mobile, the script below will remove the .first and .last tags, and re-assign them to display the products in two columns.

The script currently only targets .columns-3 within function defaultProductRows and function adjustProductRows . I need to also target .columns 4 within the same script, but I'm not sure how to go about adding it.

$(window).on('load resize', function (){
  var windowWidth = $(window).width();
  if(windowWidth < 753){ // this is my screen size break point for the rows
    adjustProductRows(); // call the function to adjust add last and first classes
  } else {
    defaultProductRows(); // else if large screen size then get everything back to defalut

function defaultProductRows(){
var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product');
  products.each(function(idx, li) {
     var product = $(li);
     // remove all classes we added
 $('ul.products li.adjusted-row.first').removeClass('adjusted-row first');
     $('ul.products li.adjusted-row.last').removeClass('adjusted-row last');
  if(idx == 0) { // make sure first li tag gets first class
  else if((idx+1) % 3 == 0) //this will make sure we have 3 rows by adding last classes after each 3 products
  else if(idx % 3 == 0)
    product.addClass('first'); // make sure all products divided by 3 will have first       class
    console.log(idx); // just checking for the index


function adjustProductRows() {

   var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product');
products.each(function(idx, li) {
    var product = $(li);

  if(idx % 2 == 0) // we are even
    product.addClass('adjusted-row first');
  else // we are odd
    product.addClass('adjusted-row last');



Change your selector to include columns-4


var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product');


var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product, ul.products.columns-4 li.type-product');

This tells jQuery to select li.type-products that are part of either columns-3 or columns-4

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