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How to fix a maxQueueLength error in Tibco?

I get this error in TIBCO Administrator Log:

(BW-EXT-LOG-200000 njams: maxQueueLength(=20) is reached.)

My client returns:

Connexion to refused.

Everything returns to normal after restarting the instances, but it takes a few minutes and I get the same error.

Sounds like your maxMsgs property of that queue is set to 20 ? You can check this by connecting with tibemsadmin and show/changing queue properties. For Example:

tcp://localhost:7222> show queue Q1
 Queue:                 Q1
 Type:                  static
 Properties:            *prefetch=5,maxMsgs=1000,*store=$sys.nonfailsafe
 JNDI Names:            <none>
 Bridges:               <none>
 Receivers:             0
 Pending Msgs:          0, (0 persistent)
 Delivered Msgs:        0
 Pending Msgs Size:     0.0 Kb, (0.0 Kb persistent)

You can change it like this:

  tcp://localhost:7222> setprop queue Q1 maxmsgs=1000

Issue Fixed

A process remained active so it allocated a space in the memory that it would not release. This process contained a requestor for which the timeOut is not configured. it waited endlessly a response from the process containing the receiver which did not respond due to an access issue to an external database.

Best Regards.

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