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Set lock timeout programmatically Spring Boot JPA

I have

@Transactional(timeout = 600)
public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService {

    private CustomerRepository customerRepository;

    public void actOnCustomer(Long customerId) {

along with

public interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {

    Optional<Customer> findById(Long id);

The customer row seems to be getting locked, and the timeout value seems to be having the proper effect.

Now I want to be able to set the timeout value programmatically, and/or using my application.properties file . I've seen some examples of setting javax.persistence.lock.timeout in properties passed to an EntityManager 's find method, but I'm not sure of how best to incorporate EntityManager calls into a Spring repository, and it seems like there should be a more Spring-y way (like setting spring.jpa.properties.javax.persistence.lock.timeout=600 in application.properties, which doesn't seem to work).

So how do I do this?

I ended up adding

private Environment env;

public void configureJpaTransactionManager() {
    ((JpaTransactionManager) this.platformTransactionManager).setDefaultTimeout(
                Integer.parseInt(env.getProperty("transaction.timeout", "3")));

to my @SpringBootApplication -annotated main class, which seemed to do the job. Not sure it is the best way. ("transaction.timeout" is a property name I made up).

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