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JAXB Marshall not output XML

I am trying to create a simple JAXB program and write the object out to a xml file however its not creating any output - I am pasting sample code and output -

Code -

 ObjectFactory fct = new ObjectFactory();
        ImportParams imp = fct.createImportParams();
        FolderMaps fmaps = fct.createFolderMaps();

        FolderMap fmap = fct.createFolderMap();
        System.out.println("Size is " + fmaps.getFolderMap().size());
        System.out.println("Path is " + fmap.getSourceFolderPath());

        ImportParams imp1 = new ImportParams();

JAXBContext ctx = null;
System.out.println("Writing JAXB objects");
try {
    ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.au");
    System.out.println("Inside JAXB");
    Marshaller marshaller = ctx.createMarshaller();
    System.out.println("Marshal Started");
    marshaller.marshal(fmaps, System.out);
    marshaller.marshal(imp, System.out);
    marshaller.marshal(fmap, System.out);
    System.out.println("Marshal Completed");
    marshaller.marshal(fmaps, new File ("C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\eclipse_workspace_64\\abcjaxb.xml"));
} catch (Exception e) {
    // TODO: handle exception

Output is

Size is 1
Path is test
Writing JAXB objects
Inside JAXB
Marshal Started
Parameter file successfully created

Its terminating after marshal started and not creating the xml file

You need to add @XmlRootElement to your com.au.FolderMap class, eg

 package com.au;
 public class FolderMap {
      // ...

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