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Upgrading from Weblogic 10 to Weblogic 12c EJBException NoClassDefFoundError for weblogic/webservice/core/rpc/ServiceImpl

I am upgrading a java application from Weblogic 10 to 12c. One of the functions of the application uses a EJB to connect to a reporting webservice using a wsdl. The application compiles and deploys correctly. When the reporting service class is created, this error occurs:

requestReply exception: EJB Exception: : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/webservice/core/rpc/ServiceImpl at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

Someone else had a similar issue because they did not have the weblogic jar, wlfullclient.jar on the classpath. But I checked the server and this jar is there.

Are there other properties that I need to change due to the upgrade from Weblogic 10 to 12 for EJBs that I need to check? The version of EJB that I am using is 3.0.


In the 12.1.1 release, the 8.1 WebLogic Web services run time has been removed . If you are using 8.1 WebLogic Web services, you need to upgrade the 8.1 WebLogic Web service applications to Web service stacks available in this release


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