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clipboardjs copy the html contents of a div to the clipboard

I trying copy the html contents of multiple divs using zenorocha clipboardjs javascript plugin. Please don't post other alternatives as I would like give this plugin a go, as it seems solid on the browsers that I want to cover.

I've looked at this issue on zenorocha's github, but this code just seems to return an Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor .

new Clipboard('.copy', {
    text: function() {
        var htmlBlock = document.querySelector('.yourSelector');
        return htmlBlock.innerHTML;

I've created an example fiddle if anyone can help me use clipboardjs to copy the html content of a div.


// copy to clipboard
new Clipboard('.copy');


<div id="content_1">
   <div><b>Heading Post 1</b></div>
   <div>Blah, blah, blah</div>

<button class="copy" data-copy-element="content_1">
   Copy to clipboard

I've made up a new data attribute called data-copy-element as there will be multiple buttons and content blocks on a single page.

See fiddle here https://jsfiddle.net/joshmoto/qLord78p/

Is this actually possible using zenorocha clipboardjs ?

Thanks in advance.

Clipboard is a native class, accessible through (among other places) Chrome's Clipboard API .

If you want to get that code to work, change Clipboard to ClipboardJS . In fact, that's even how ClipboardJS documentation calls it . This works just fine:

new ClipboardJS('.copy', {
    text: function() {
        // based on your fiddle, you may need to replace this selector, too.
        var htmlBlock = document.querySelector('.yourSelector');
        return htmlBlock.innerHTML;

Here is my final code, I used a bit of jQuery to get the specific element related to the copy button.


new ClipboardJS('.copy', {
    text: function(trigger) {
        elem = $(trigger).data('clipboard-element');
        var htmlBlock = document.querySelector(elem);
        return htmlBlock.innerHTML;


<div id="content_1">
   <div><b>Heading Post 1</b></div>
   <div>Blah, blah, blah</div>

<button class="copy" data-clipboard-element="#content_1">
   Copy to clipboard

See fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/joshmoto/j2masp3u/

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