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Importing csv to mysql and an array value to first column of table

I want to insert my array value result =['2018-10-18_trx_result-reuslt.csv'] to my column date_sourced , but my problem is how can I include this to my query for rows in my csv data.

Here is my code to import my csv to mysql table

for now, my date_sourced is 0000-00-00 , so I want to replace it by my result variable

import csv
import mysql.connector
import re

result =['2018-10-18_trx_result-reuslt.csv']
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='',
file = open('C:\\Users\\trendMICRO\\Desktop\\OJT\\test.csv', 'rb')  
csv_data = csv.reader(file)
cursor = mydb.cursor()

for row in csv_data:
    cursor.execute('INSERT INTO jeremy_table_test(date_sourced, sha1, vsdt,trendx,notes )' 'VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s,%s)',row)

由于allow_local_infileTrue您可以使用LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'filename' INTO TABLE jeremy_table_test轻松加载 CSV 文件。

Read here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/load-data.html

You can do:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE'filename' INTO TABLE jeremy_table_test

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