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Getting video record of Travis-CI builds with TestFairy

I use a FrameLayout with a recyclerView and a linearView where I ask for Runtime permissions.
I have tests for Runtime permissions with UiAutomator that pass locally but that failed with Travis-CI.
These tests are for an Activity that uses user location. I implemented the Runtime permission with ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(...), ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(...) and onRequestPermissionsResult(...)
I want to get video of the build/tests that are performed on Travis-CI because it seems the activity is not correctly displayed (can't find allow/deny buttons).
I got advised to use TestFairy.
I am trying to deploy Travis build to TestFairy to get videos of the tests using https://docs.testfairy.com/Continuous_Integration/Travis_CI.html .

deploy: provider: testfairy //ok api-key: "TESTFAIRY API KEY" //ok app-file: Path to the app file (APK/IPA) // what to put here?

What should I put under app-file? I have a android project using Gradle. I found several apk in /app/build/outputs/apk

I seems for android we also need to sign our app. I didn't do since this is just a class project, not real use application. I this part mandatory ?

keystore-file: Path to your keystore-file storepass: storepass alias: alias

Is this the right thing to do for sign in this case ? https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing

You don't need keystore-file anymore, see an updated documentation .

Regarding which "app-file" to use, it depend on your Gradle config, TestFairy will accept any APK that can be installed on a device, so it should be signed (even if it a debug keystore)

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