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Rewrite Rule: Question about regex pattern

I can't figure out why a certain rewrite rule does not work. I have this rule:

<rule name="CanonicalHostNameRule1" enabled="true">
  <match url="(.*)" />
    <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="testsite\.com" negate="true" />
  <action type="Redirect" url="https://www.testsite.com/{R:1}" />

When I go into IIS and using the URL Rewrite module, I tested using " http://testsite.com ". This works. But after placing an updated web.config in production, these are my results from typing in these into the url:

I was able to reach the site by typing in these variations:


But I received the error message "testsite.com refused to connect" when typing in:


What am I missing, that is preventing the last 2 from working? It seems like the rewrite rule I have should catch all requests.

Thank you in advance!

My guess would be that for the last two examples, their {HTTP_HOST} will have no www which means that it will match your condition resulting in your negate attribute skipping your rule action.

I would recommend enabling IIS Failed Request Tracing in order to identify exactly why your rewrite rule isn't working for those values.

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