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The PowerShell window is always cleaned after a script has been executed

I run a PowerShell script form the PowerShell and whatever method I choose it always cleans my current PowerShell window which is pretty annoying. That doesn't happen with Linux PowerShell.

This is how I run a PowerShell script:

powershell.exe -File "/path/to/file.ps1


powershell -c ". /path/to/file.ps1"

No matter how I call the script, the current PowerShell window is cleaned and the only thing I can see is the output of the script that I called. All previously displayed text is deleted.

Maybe there are options to prevent this behavior?

See also my screenshots as a visual representation of the problem:

  • My PowerShell window before I ran the command - PS窗口之前

  • My PowerShell window after I ran a command - PS窗口后


powershell -NoProfile  -c 'Write-Host OK'

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