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How to handle RecyclerView items of different sizes

I have a recyclerView with an adapter inflated inside a cardview. Each item in my list has a different size, because of different image sizes. I am facing visibility problem as cards get recycled, in my cardviews as shown:


How can I fix this problem?

[EDIT] My CardView layout: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zdM5H54CtfxZBxk6x72uYnSbCzxCnT-_/view?usp=sharing

In your <ImageView> you need to add scaletype property for it. Add it like below

android:scaleType="CENTER_INSIDE" >

It will change the ratio of your image but full image is visible. fitxy also visible whole image as well. Choose more suitable one according to your needs

You can see a good example here. https://robots.thoughtbot.com/android-imageview-scaletype-a-visual-guide find out what scale y=type you want and add it.

As Lucifer said:

In your you need to add scaletype property for it

If you don't like center inside you can use CENTER_CROP or try anyone of the options.

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