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Executing python from within php

So my directory structure is like this:


The way I'm executing my_project right now, is by launching a terminal in parent_folder and then executing the following command:

python -m my_project

This works fine. However, I wish to execute this from within a PHP script:

$output=shell_exec('python /path/to/parent_folder -m my_project');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";

Though, it's not working. Being new to python, I am just wondering what is the way to do this?

If you check your error log, you'll probably see a message saying can't find '__main__' module in /path/to/parent_folder . You have to add "2>&1" to the command to make shell_exec return error output.

To replicate your way of running the project, you should change to the module directory with cd and then run python :

$output=shell_exec('cd /path/to/parent_folder && python -m my_project 2>&1');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";

An alternative is adding the path to your module to PYTHONPATH, which python -m uses when it searches for modules. You can do this in PHP before calling the shell, or globally on your system. In PHP it would be:

shell_exec('python -m my_project 2>&1');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";

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