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What is the correct way to add to an array with splice in react

Newbie question.

I have an array that i need to add to and I am using slice to do this. I am using gatsby/react. The problem I have is each time my page/component rerenders the object I am adding to my array gets added again

Here is my code

class IndexPage extends PureComponent {

  render() {
    const data = this.props.data;

    const hostels = data.featuredHostel.edges;

    const hopimage = data.hop.childImageSharp.fluid;
    hostels.splice(8, 0, {
      node: {
        featuredImage: {
          alt: 'Bedhopper Image',
          fluid: hopimage
        id: 'bedhopper',
        slug: '/deals/bed-hopper',
        title: 'For travel adicts who want to stay everywhere'

    return (....

Been stuck on this for a while now. Any help appreciated

You should make any calculation on constructor or componentDidMount .

class IndexPage extends PureComponent {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      hostels: props.data.featuredHostel.edges.concat(...)

  componentDidMount() {


  render() {
    const { hostels } = this.state;

    return (

Probably, your case can works too (I didn't see whole code). I guess you use array index as key for render

hostels.map((hostel, hostelIndex) => (<SomeComponent key={hostelIndex} />))

You can change key to hostel.id for example for more unique block.

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