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Colored Header cells with java Apache POI

I want to have my header row in different colors. Until now I just have different colors for the Font, because the background color does not work like I wish. My output File should be in the xls-format.

   import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle;
   import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    String[] mylmcol = {"EmplNo", "LMSurname", "LMFirstname"};
    String[] myusercol = {"UserID", "USRSurname", "USRFirstname"};
    String[] rolecol = {"Group", "Role"};
    String[] ackcol = {"ACKValue"};

    XSSFWorkbook workbook_cbk_output = new XSSFWorkbook();
    Sheet sheet_cbk_output = workbook_cbk_output.createSheet("UserList");

    Font LMheaderFont = workbook_cbk_output.createFont();
    LMheaderFont.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12);


    XSSFCellStyle headerCellStyleACK = workbook_cbk_output.createCellStyle();

    Row headerRow_cbk = sheet_cbk_output.createRow(0);

    for (int i = 0; i < mylmcol.length; i++) {
        Cell cell = headerRow_cbk.createCell(i);
    FileOutputStream OUTFILE = new FileOutputStream("Myoutput.xls");

I tried the commands setFillBackgroundColor but this is igno. Is there another solution for coloring the background?

You may use the XSSFColor instead of HSSFColor , if you use XSSF worksheet/CellStyle. For me it works with:

XSSFCellStyle headingStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
headingStyle.setFillForegroundColor( new XSSFColor( new java.awt.Color( 207, 207, 207 ) ) );
headingStyle.setFillPattern( CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND );

and apply it to the cells/rows:

Row rowHeadingStyle = styleSheet.createRow( 0 );
rowHeadingStyle.setRowStyle( headingStyle );

This is setting the background color to the desired value!

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