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Elasticsearch Java Rest Client: how to get the list of all indices

How do I get the list of all indices in Elasticsearch using the Rest Client?

(All answers I've found online seem to deal with the old type of client.

I fail to find the direct answer in the doc,


can't figure out which section to look into, either Cluster or Index APIs etc.)

In current Java High Level REST Client you can list all indices simply by requesting a GetIndex request with "*" as an index name.

GetIndexRequest request = new GetIndexRequest().indices("*");
GetIndexResponse response = client.indices().get(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
String[] indices = response.getIndices();

Via the REST API you can verify with this URL : http://elasticsearch:9200/_cat/indices?v

Via the Java Client API (I just realised you asked this way) : you can bet on the Cluster Health API : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-rest/current/java-rest-high-cluster-health.html

And use

ClusterHealthRequest request = new ClusterHealthRequest();
ClusterHealthResponse response = client.cluster().health(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
Set<String> indices = response.getIndices().keySet();

And you will get the list of indices ;)

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