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Recursive boolean function for a binary search tree

I have a class implementing binary search tree and one of my private methods is method bool find(Node<Key, Info> * &node, Key _key); , where node stands for a pointer to a node, we start searching from and _key stands for a unique for every node key. My method is implemented as follows:

template<typename Key, typename Info>
bool BST<Key, Info>::find(Node<Key, Info>* &node, Key _key)
    if (node)
        if (node->key == _key)
            return true;
            find(node->left, _key);
            find(node->right, _key);
            return false;
    else return false;

And it doesn't return true, even if the element with the given key exists. I added a printing command just before return statement and it executes so my function seems to find the given node, but I guess my understanding is wrong and it still somehow returns false.


The solution to my problem seems to be found :)

template<typename Key, typename Info>
bool BST<Key, Info>::find(Node<Key, Info>* &node, Key _key)
    if (node)
        if (node->key == _key)
            return true;
        else if(_key<node->key)
            return find(node->left, _key);
            return find(node->right, _key);
    else return false;

For binary search trees, you, of course, want to walk down the tree until you find the value or reach nullptr. I'll write out a search function real quick here:

bool search(Node * node, int value){
    if(node == nullptr) //If it's nullptr, we've reached the end without finding value.
        return false;
    if(node->value == value) //If it's value, we've found it!
        return true;
    if(node->value > value) //If value is less than node's value, go to left.
        return search(node->left, value);
    if(node->value < value) //If value is greater than node's value, go to right.
        return search(node->right, value);

This is a recursive search for an organized tree (without using templates, for the sake of simplicity). Therefore, in a binary search tree, you first need to check if node is nullptr , then if it is value , and then go from there.

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