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Not getting proper output with Regular expression in javascript

I have a below sentence, I need to extract it and get the proper output.

Welcome to project, are you a here(1. new user one, 2. test user two, 3. minor Accident one or 4. Major Accident)

I am getting the output now using regular expression:-

Welcome to project, are you a here
1. new user
2. test user
3. minor Accident or
4. Major

I should get the output as per sentence using regular expression:-

Welcome to project, are you a here
1. new user one
2. test user two
3. minor Accident one
4. Major Accident

Here is the code below,updated in plnker which I have used,I am not getting solution since I don't have that much idea in redular expression.

 $(document).ready(function() { regex = /.+\\(|\\d. [\\w\\s]+ /g; maintext = "Welcome to project, are you a here(1. new user one, 2. test user two, 3. minor Accident one or 4. Major Accident)"; matches = maintext.match(regex); text_split0 = matches[0].slice(0, -1); text_split1 = matches[1]; text_split2 = matches[2]; text_split3 = matches[3]; text_split4 = matches[4]; console.log(text_split0); console.log(text_split1); console.log(text_split2); console.log(text_split3); console.log(text_split4); $(".messages").append('<li>' + text_split0 + '</li><li>' + text_split1 + '</li><li>' + text_split2 + '</li><li>' + text_split3 + '</li><li>' + text_split4 + '</li>'); // $("li:contains('undefined')").remove() }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <ul class="messages"> </ul> 

Instead of creating one unicorn regex; do it in two steps. Simplify the regex to just finding the numbers. So you are matching just this:


"1. new user one, 2. test user two, 3. minor Accident one or 4. Major Accident"

Then it will be easier to split that string by the numbers.

list.split(/([\d]. )/g)

Then you can loop through those to append it to an order list.

<ol class="messages">
    <li>new user one</li>
    <li>test user two</li>
    <li>minor Accident one or </li>
    <li>Major Accident</li>

You'll need to clean up the " or " on the third item.

Full script:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<ul class="messages"></ul>
    var text = 'Welcome to project, are you a here(1. new user one, 2. test user two, 3. minor Accident one or 4. Major Accident)';
    var regex = /\((.*)\)/;
    var m;

    if ((m = regex.exec(text)) !== null) {
        // 1. new user one, 2. test user two, 3. minor Accident one or 4. Major Accident
        var list = m[1];

        var items = list.split(/([\d]. )/g);

        var message = $('.messages');

        // Remove ' or ' from secondLastItem by removing the last 4 characters
        var secondLastItem = items[items.length-3];
        items[items.length-3] = secondLastItem.substring(0, secondLastItem.length - 4);

        for(var i=1;i<items.length;i++) {
            // Ordered list
            // message.append('<li>' + items[++i].replace(', ', '') + '</li>');
            // Unordered list
            message.append('<li>' + items[i] + items[++i].replace(', ', '') + '</li>');

    // The intro text
    var introText = text.split('(');

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