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JavaMelody change version from “javamelody-spring-boot-starter” to “javamelody-core”

I need to change the Java Melody version, from "1.69.0" to "1.74.0", for a Java Spring Boot project.

Right now I have:


and Spring Boot:


JavaMelody "1.74.0" needs an upgrade on Spring Boot too, so in order to avoid SpringBoot upgrade right now I've tried to upgrade JavaMelody with the core version:


This just give me this error, without any hint about what it's wrong:

"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
    at nl.famed.dcim.Application.main(Application.java:21)"

Any suggestion will be very helpufull! Also, if something else is needed to show from the project, just tell me!


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