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add functionality to WPF observable collections item changed event without overriding it

I am new to WPF, and I am struggling on adding functionality on observable collections.

I have dropbox, datagrid and a list box.

Data grid and list boxes are binded to corresponding observable collections.

I want to add a listener to dropbox and the items in the list views.

Here is my sample code


     <controls:SearchableDropBox DomainObject="{Binding ClassA}"                            
InputValidationManifest="{Binding ClassValidation, Mode=OneWay}"/>

         <Custom:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Path=ClassB.ClassList}"                        
GroupByAreaLocation="None" />

     <controls:ListBox x:Name="listBoxInputs" ItemsSource="{Binding ClassC, Mode=oneWay}">


 class MainViewModel : ViewModel
        #region Attributes

        private classA _classa;
        private ObservableCollection<classC> _classC;
        private classB;


        public MainViewModel()

            this._classc= new ObservableCollection<classC>();
           this._classB = new classB()


public classA ClassA
            get { return _classA; }
                if (!Equals(value, _classA))

                    _classA= value;
                    SelectionChanged(); //This is the function I want add on //propertychanged event


        public ObservableCollection<classC> ClassC
        get { return classC; }
            this.classC= value;


 public class classB
        private ObservableCollection<String> _classList;


I want to call SelectionChanged() function when the selection of the dropbox, and when item added/deleted in list box without overriding their current notify property changed events.

For add/Remove in _classC collection, you subscribe to CollectionChanged event.

     public MainViewModel()
        this._classc= new ObservableCollection<classC>();
        this._classB = new classB()
       _classC.CollectionChanged += _classC_CollectionChanged;

     private void _classC_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
        //Populate ClassB.ClassList / Datagrid Function Call

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