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Retrieve data from all users then show their user ID in a html table and update via button

I want to have a table like this


which will get data from the firebase database, here is my firebase database structure for requests Firebase请求结构 .

Here's my code which I tried to edit from a previous question , but as you can see from the table above the data says undefined.

<table class="table table-striped" id="ex-table">
<thead class="thead-inverse">
    <th>ID Number</th>
    <th>Request Status</th>
    <tr id="tr">
    <td id="status"></td>


    var database = firebase.database().ref().child('Request');
    database.once('value', function(snapshot){
    var content = '';
          var status= data.val().status;
        content += '<tr>';
        content += '<td>' + status + '</td>';//column2
        content += '</tr>';



This is for my admin panel which approves the requests of the users, also how can I do the approval using 2 buttons named Approve and Deny?

Sorry for the inconvenience I am new to firebase. Thank you very much!

I have used a keyword named status inside my firebase database. I replaced it and then boom it worked like a charm. I am very sorry for wasting your time.

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