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DefaultProps structure for a React component

I am actually learning how to design React components, and I need to create a DefaultProp for a property on it. This is my code:

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

class Component extends React.Component{


      <li className="nav-item">
        <a className="nav-link" href={this.props.element.value1}>{this.props.element.value2}</a>

Component.defaultProps = {  // does not set the default value when value1 is not passed
  element: {value1: '#', value2: 'foo'}

export default Component

As my property element has two properties ( value1 and value2 ) I find myself unable to refer to it before accesing its properties and set the default value.

I've also tried these variations, resulting all of them on an error:

Component.defaultProps = {
  element.value1: '#'

Component.defaultProps = {
  this.props.element.value1: '#'

Since the propType of element is shape with value1 and value2 properties you need to set an object as default value with those properties:

Component.defaultProps = {
  element: {value1: '#', value2: 'foo'}

Note that the default value is only used if you don't give any element prop to the component, ie

<Component element={{value1: '#'}}/>

will not add the value2 prop for you. If that's what you want, you need to do it yourself:

    const value2 = this.props.element.value2 || 'default-value'
      <li className="nav-item">
        <a className="nav-link" href={this.props.element.value1}>{value2}</a>

And then you shouldn't specify value2 as isRequired .

You could use ES6 default arguaments . It is worth reading about them here it states:

In JavaScript, function parameters default to undefined. However, it's often useful to set a different default value. This is where default parameters can help.

An example to help explain is the following

function getInfo (name, year = 2018, color = 'blue') {
  console.log(name, year, color);

getInfo('Chevy', 1957, 'Green');  // result --> "Chevy" 1957 "Green"
getInfo('Benz', 1975);  // result  --> "Benz" 1975 "blue"
getInfo('Honda');  // result  --> "Honda" 2018 "blue"

I would recommend something like the following.

  render() {
    const {
      value1 = 'defaultValue1',
      value2 = 'defaultValue2'
    } = this.props;

      <li className="nav-item">
        <a className="nav-link" href={value1}>{value2}</a>

If value1 or value2 props are undefined then it will default to the value you enter.

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