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Updating a Debezium MySQL connector with table whitelist option

I'm using the Debezium (0.7.5) MySQL connector and I'm trying to understand what is the best approach if I want to update this configuration with the option table.whitelist<\/code> .

curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H  "Content-Type:application/json" http://debezium-host/connectors/ -d '
  "name": "MyConnector",
  "config": {
      "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector",
      "connect.timeout.ms": "60000",
      "tasks.max": "1",
      "database.hostname": "myhost",
      "database.port": "3306",
      "database.user": "***",
      "database.password": "***",
      "database.server.id": "3227197",
      "database.server.name": "MyServer",
      "database.whitelist": "myDb",
      "table.whitelist": "myDb.table1,myDb.table2",
      "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kb0:9092,kb1:9092,kb2:9092",
      "database.history.kafka.topic": "MyConnectorHistoryTopic",
      "max.batch.size": "1024",
      "snapshot.mode": "initial",
      "decimal.handling.mode": "double"

Changes to the whitelist/blacklist config are not yet supported at this point. This is currently being worked on (see DBZ-175 ), and we hope to have preview support for this in one of the next releases. There's a pending PR for this, which needs a bit more work, though.

Until this has been implemented, your best option is to set up a new instance of the connector which only captures the additional tables you're interested in. This comes at the price of running two connectors (which both will maintain a binlog reader session), but it does the trick as long as you don't need to change your filter config too often.

The latest version of Debezium Server, you can add the following config


In case If you are using Debezium, you can try this config value


Note: Debeziyum Server is the one that supports Kinesis, Google Pub sub, and Apache Pulsar. I am using that and its configuration is a bit different. I had to prepend "debezium" before each item

Once this configuration is added, any addition to tables.whitelist, For these additional tables Debezium will create snapshots.

I cannot point you to the documentation but I went through their code in GitHub and also I tried it practically which worked for me. Here is the link to the MySqlConnector code


There search for Field.create("snapshot.new.tables")

Personally, I feel like Debezium has a lot of things but documentation is scattered.

i am have the same problem and solve with a signal table to debezium. Its work that way, you have to create a table to send to debezium commands in your datatable.

CREATE TABLE public.debezium_signal (id VARCHAR(42) PRIMARY KEY, type VARCHAR(32)  NULL, data VARCHAR(2048)  NULL);

and set in your configuration do debzium a tag "signal.data.collection": "public.debezium_signal"

after that you can send commands with insert in that table:

INSERT INTO debezium_signal (id, type, data)
VALUES(gen_random_uuid(),'execute-snapshot','{"data-collections": "myDb.table3"]}');

in my case i have to add de table signal in table.include.list and the columns in column.include.list as well.


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