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MockitoJunitRunner can mock a Spring @Configuration class but all fields are null

I have a Configuration class like this :

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.**.**") // production code, can't write package name
@PropertySource(value = { "classpath:application.properties", "classpath:version.txt"})
public class AppConfig {

    private String activeProfile;


And this is the the test class :

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class, MvcConfiguration.class})
public class NativeLoginServiceImplTest {

   private NativeLoginServiceImpl nativeLoginServiceImpl;

   private AppConfig mAppConfiguration;


The mAppConfiguration is created during test but the problem is all of its fields are null. What wrong with my test setup and how can I make the correct one so Mockito can auto get these value in application.properties file for me?

I guess that for your fields you have at least getter methods. You should use when and thenReturn methods to make mocking work. Like this:

public void someTestMethod(){

    Mockito.when(mAppConfiguration.getActiveProfile()).thenReturn("some value");

    /** actual test goes here**/

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