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How add TextView to View in kotlin

I have button when click I want to show (View) and inside it textview I did view but I can't add to it textView inside it

fun you_color_button_1(view: View){
  val view1 : View
  view1 = View(this)
  view1.layoutParams.height = (Height * 0.35).toInt()
  view1.layoutParams.width = (Width * 0.8).toInt()
  view1.x = (1+ Width*0.10).toFloat()
  view1.y = (Height*0.15).toFloat()

val name_label1 =TextView(this)
  name_label1!!.layoutParams.height = (la.width * 0.20).toInt()
  name_label1!!.layoutParams.width = (la.height * 0.10).toInt()
  name_label1!!.x = (1+la.width * 0.75).toFloat()
  name_label1!!.y = (la.height * 0.15).toFloat()
  name_label1.text = "name"
  name_label1.textSize = (Width * 0.014).toFloat()
  name_label1.gravity = Gravity.CENTER


this is what I want

and too I want corner radius for View by code

When you click on a button like as You mentioned in below https://i.stack.imgur.com/UgRzA.png You should add that view as you want in your current xml and make that view's visibility Gone... Then when you click on a button on click event validate the data as you want and directly make that view's visibility to visible. I hope it helps.

initially view's visibility ->

yourView.visibility = View.GONE


     YourView.visibility = View.VISIBLE

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