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Search Map & Print Vector

I have an STL map that maps a key to a vector of deliverables. I would like to search the map for a certain key and print out all of the deliverables. I am trying to iterate through the vector and call print on each item.

typedef std::vector<Deliverables>      MyDeliverables;
typedef std::map<int, MyDeliverables> MyMap;

MyMap map1;

template < class T >

void printVector( const vector <T> &v)
    for (auto p = v.begin(); p != v.end(); ++p)

int main()
Deliverables del("Name", 12, 12, 2018);

map1.insert(MyMap::value_type(1, MyDeliverables()));

auto search = map1.find(1);
if (search != map1.end()) {
    std::cout << "Found Student ID: " << search->first << '\n';
else {
    std::cout << "Not found\n";

Error C2662 'void Deliverables::print(void)': cannot convert 'this' pointer from 'const Deliverables' to 'Deliverables &'
Line: *p->print();

How can I correctly print the deliverables?

The issue is with the code you are not showing:


It is not const , so you cannot use it. Declare the print function as const, and then you can use a const Deliverables& :

Deliverables::print() const

Then change your loop to avoid confusion as to what to dereference and how many times:

for(const auto& p: v)

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