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Patch value not working with nested inputs Reactive forms Angular 5

I'm working with Angular 5 and reactive forms, mi form is been created dynamically with a JSON that is been provided by the backend, there are some special inputs that are nested 3 levels and it works great with radio buttons but when the inputs are group of nested checkbox the patch value do not change the value of the checkboxes, this an example of mi structure

this.cvForm = this._fb.group({
  name: ['', [Validators.required]],
  lastname: ['', [Validators.required]],
  nested: this._fb.group({
    level1: this._fb.group({
       level2: this._fb.group({
          level3: this._fb.group({
             checkbox: [false, Validators.required]

    ]).patchValue({ checked: setValue });


I've been doing a lot of test with examples that you guys provide and I appreciate all your help. But I saw that the patch value it's not saving o changing the value at first click, when I click the checkbox once the view changes but the value in the form is still false and the second click on the checkbox set value to true in the form, but the view is changed so, basically the patch value and set value are setting the value till the second click in the form. And I have no idea why is that happening.

After several hours of research and testing I found that reactive forms in angular does not support the object.property syntax to set the value for depth level values, instead I did this:

this.cvForm.controls['nested'].controls['level1'].controls['level2'].controls['level3'].controls['checkbox'].value['checked'] = newValue;

That fix my problem, thanks guys for the help.

Since you're only concerned about setting the value of the checkbox, please consider usingpatchValue .

And instead of getting the exact FormControl either by calling the get method on the FormGroup or by doing what you've done can be error-prone in case of nested FormGroup s.

A simpler way would be to create an Object value that matches the structure of the form and then set the value that you want to set.

Here, give this a try:

setValue: boolean = true;
  nested: {
    level1: {
      level2: {
        chekbox: setValue

Here's a Working Sample StackBlitz for your ref.

You only need to pass the string array which will give you the FormControl that you are looking for.


this should work for you. You dont need to pass an object to patchValue as this is a single formControl. You would need to pass object if you are patching values for multiple form controls in a single FormGroup .

if you are looking for how to update the checkbox value, try this way (useful for future similar searches)

My Form structure在此处输入图片说明

changing the checkbox value

this.form.controls.completed['controls'].completed.value = MyBooleanValueHere;

Check this out https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-hqjny3 it worked for me

  nested: {
    level1: {
      level2: {
        level3: {
          chekbox: true|false

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