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NgRx with Reactive Forms Patch Value

I am trying to patch a value from a subscribe method.

  ngOnInit(): void {
      .subscribe((res) => {
          nome: res.nome,  <-------------- Line 36
          telefone_celular: res.telefone_celular,
          telefone_fixo: res.telefone_fixo

This works very well when i come from a page to another, because the state is already there.

But, when i open direct on the url component, i am receiving an error:

core.js:5845 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'nome' of null
    at SafeSubscriber._next (perfil.component.ts:36)

How i can do this async at component? thanks for any answer.

if(res && res.nome){}

did the job.

The help was from the comment of @ng-suhas

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