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behavior of let and const with javascript 'this' keyword

var num = 8;

const wantToKnowThis = function(val) {
  var num = 6;
  return this.num

if i run this code the answer will be 8 and that is correct but if run this code by just replacing let or const, it will give undefined!!

let num = 8;

const wantToKnowThis = function(val) {
  var num = 6;
  return this.num

is let and const behave diffrent with this keyword than var does please let me know??

If you use var in the global scope, then it will implicitly create a property of the same name on the window object.

The same is not true of const or let .

This doesn't really have anything to do with this other than at a couple of steps removed.

If you use this is a function with no context (ie which is not a method on an object and hasn't got a bound context via bind or => ), then this will be window (unless you use "use strict" and you should always use "use strict" as it prevents all kinds of gotchas)

If you want to access a variable outside of the function you are in then don't resort to global variable shenanigans. Simply don't give a local variable the same name in the first place .

 let num = 8; const wantToKnowThis = function(val) { let local_num = 6; return num; } console.log(wantToKnowThis(3)); 

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