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Unit testing a class that calls out to external service

I have the following class:

public class SomeClass {

    private Dependency dependency;

    public SomeClass(Dependency dep){
        this.dependency = dep;

    public void doSomething(String s){
        Foo f = dependency.getFoo(s);
        f.doWork(); // fails because f is null

I am trying to write a unit tests that will cover the doSomething method in which getFoo is an external call that I am trying to mock as follows:

private Dependency dep;

private SomeClass _sc;

public void testSimple() {

Foo ff = new Foo();


SomeClass sc = new SomeClass();

sc.doSomething("abc"); // fails on null pointer exception


Unfortunately, I am getting a null reference exception in my unit test - since the mock class isn't being returned. How can I fix it?

You should use


not sc.doSomething("abc");

First make sure your test class is annotated with MockitoJUnitRunner.


Second, in your test, you should use your target test class "_sc" which gets injected with the mocks.

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