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Typescript: generics type for nested functions

I have looked for answers to this problem but I can not implement them correctly. Maybe you can tell me the right way.

I'll explain: I want to use typescript generics not to use any more 'Any' in my methods.

I am writing the code and what I would like to do.


this.DatabaseService.getCollection <IUser> ('users', 'lastname'). subscribe (loadData =>
    this.listUser = loadData;

when I call getCollection () I will call the following nested methods:

  • getCollectionSnapshot()
  • getCollectionRef()

I want the type (IUser) passed to getCollection () to be forwarded to the nitidicated methods until you reach getCollectionRef () obtaining a return collection of this type: collection

FILE SERVICE: database.service.ts

getCollection <T> (path: string, sortBy ?: string): Observable <T []>
    // >>>how do I pass the type (T) to getCollectionSnapshot() ? 

    return this.getCollectionSnapshot (path, sortBy) .pipe (
    map (changes =>
        return changes.map (change =>
            const data = change.payload.doc.data ();
            const id = change.payload.doc.id;
            return {id, ... data};

getCollectionSnapshot (path: string, sortBy ?: string): Observable <any []>
    return this.getCollectionRef (path, sortBy) .snapshotChanges ();

getCollectionRef (path: string, sortBy ?: string): AngularFirestoreCollection
    if (sortBy === undefined)
      return this.afs.collection (path);
      return this.afs.collection (path, ref => ref.orderBy (sortBy));

Thank you ! I hope to fill my gap in generics

I am not sure if i understand your problem. You want to pass the type parameter given for the method getCollection to the methods called within getCollection . If that's the case would this fit for you:

getCollection <T> (path: string, sortBy ?: string): Observable <T []>

    return this.getCollectionSnapshot<T> (path, sortBy) .pipe (
    map (changes =>
        return changes.map (change =>
            const data = change.payload.doc.data ();
            const id = change.payload.doc.id;
            return {id, ... data};

getCollectionSnapshot<T> (path: string, sortBy ?: string): Observable <any []>
    return this.getCollectionRef<T> (path, sortBy) .snapshotChanges ();

getCollectionRef<T> (path: string, sortBy ?: string): AngularFirestoreCollection
    if (sortBy === undefined)
         return this.afs.collection (path);
         return this.afs.collection (path, ref => ref.orderBy (sortBy));

notice the changes:

getCollectionSnapshot <T> (...

getCollectionRef <T> (...

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