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Python 3 - Having 2 items as 1 index in a list

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I am new to python and I am trying to build a quiz thingy. And so one of the questions contain 2 answers to it but I cant figure out how to accept both of the answers. As shown in the pic, I want to have both 'this' and 'that' to be acceptable as an answer. Is there a way to do it? Thanks in advance!

questions_asked = [

answers = [
    "This" or "That"

def run_question():
    score = 0
    index = 0
    for question in questions_asked:
        if index < len(questions_asked):
            answer = input(questions_asked[index]).lower()

            if answer == answers[index].lower():
                score += 1
        index += 1
    print("{score} out of 2".format(score=score))


You should change your data structure. Rather than a answers: List[str] , you should use answers: List[set]

answers = [{"one answer"}, {"another answer"}, {"a couple", "correct answers"}]

Then you can check it with:

expected = answers[i]  # however you're doing this -- I'd probably zip it together
                       # with questions, but YMMV
if user_answer in expected:
    # correct

Note that your loop can be greatly simplified:

score = 0
for question, expected_answers in zip(questions_asked, answers):
    user_answer = input(question).lower()
    if user_answer in expected_answers:
        score += 1

Or make your "answers" as dictionaries.

dict = {'answer1': 'this', 'answer2': 'that', 'answer3': 'None'}

link for dictionary manipulation

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