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how to Install App on device remotely iOS

I am android developer but I have just started the iOS development it was quite a fun until and unless i faced the distribution time.

My app is completed. now I have to give/send demo of the app to my client, I did R&D and found that to install app on device I need a UDID. I have one device also with me I have already added its UDID in my profile, so I can test on it.

Now tell me if I ask my client for UDID and if he supply me UDID, then after it how can I run app on his device. I can not access the client device physically.

I know this has been asked so many times and I have read those question. but most of them are outdated as I can not find those options in xcode

I am using xcode 9.2 and swft 4.2 . Please suggest me a batter way of doing that......

There are many options:-

  1. Create adhoc profile then add UDID of client, then create IPA.Now create diawi link and share to client

  2. Create enterprise profile, Create diawi and then create diawi and share it.

  3. Go with testflight.

Useful Links:-

How create diawi

Create adhox

Use of test


If you have client's device UDID then you can send build using Diawi link, Simply follow this steps.

First of all add client's UDID in developer.apple account.

Then Create "Provisioning profile -> AdHoc" profile. when you create AdHoc profile at that time select Client's UDID. (See more details https://support.magplus.com/hc/en-us/articles/204270188-iOS-Creating-an-Ad-Hoc-Distribution-Provisioning-Profile )


Using AdHoc profile archive project in xcode and export .ipa of application.

Upload exported .ipa file in https://www.diawi.com/

After finishing upload you can share build link with client.

Open this build link in safari browser(in device) to install application.

I suggest you use TestFlight .

You can create App on Appstore Connect and then upload one build to the Appstore using Xcode . After that you can simply use TestFlight to allow Internal or External Testers to download the app using TestFlight.

Advantages of TestFlight is that you don't need to have UDID s of users, you can invite them using their email addresses. Also, you can invite external testers by using the Public Link now. You don't need email addresses of users if you create a Public Link and share the links with the users.

Apple beta distribution options are following,

You must have apple developer account enrolled to give away beta app.

1) TestFlight internal testers:- We can direct distribute by adding testers apple email to TestFlight section in AppStoreConnect.

2) TestFlight External Testers:- We need to add any email ids of testers, they will get invitation with a redeem code, testers will have to redeem it using TestFlight app . User will notify for every build through TestFlight app. For External we have to submit for review for the first time only for every app version. Recently apple released feature to create a Public Link to invite testers, which you can share to any tester and tester can insert details directly from a web page.

3) Diawi Link:- You can upload build directly to Diawi, and distribute to testers whose UDIDS are attached with provisioning profile. There are some limitations to upload to Diawi like max ipa size is 100mb, expiration time 1day,....

4) AppBox:- To get rid if Diawi limitations, Some one introduce AppBox. AppBox is an open source GitHub repo, I found it some time ago, not using it regularly so I don't have deeper idea. AppBox is using dropbox to upload and using link to share with testers, we can directly upload to AppStore as-well.

Hope it covers all options of beta distribution for iOS, will update answer for AppBox as I will use more.

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