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Apache2 Custom header - Adding Remort Port on header

I try to add a custom header on my request, but I'm not sure if it's possible with Apache2.4.

I would like to add to my headers the remote port used by the client. If I check my logformat, I can get the remote port with this syntax : %{remote}p

But if I try something like :

Header add x-remote-port %{remote}p

My configtest give me this error : Unrecognized header format %p

I would like to know if it's possible to get a dynamic variable like remote port to add it on my headers for each requests ?

Log format syntax are differents, so here we go for the header module syntax :

Header add X-remote-port "%{REMOTE_PORT}e"

REMOTE_PORT varirable works only on 2.4.26 and later


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