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Making new custom relation method in laravel model

I am using this for my api when i visit someone profile:

return response()->
    ->where('username', request('username'))

Now when I want to use paginate on relation I do it like this:


But I need relation so I found:

$user->setRelation('posts', $user->posts()->paginate(10));

Now I am wondering is there a way to create custom relation method inside model so when I use load(['posts.comments']) it returns that custom relations?

One way is to do this:

return response()->
    User::with(['posts' => function($q) {
    }, 'posts.comments' => function($q) {
        $q->paginate(5, ['*'], 'commentsPage', request('commentsPage'));
    ->where('username', request('username'))

Although I am not sure how to pass $q->nextPageUrl()

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