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Bottle server: HTTPResponse vs bottle.response

I have a bottle instance whose server is set to a multi-threaded http server with a threadpool.

We know one common way to for a bottle server to return from a route is

return HTTPResponse(status=200, body=json.dumps({'key':'value'})

I am also using an after_request hook, which tries to set some headers on the response by referring to bottle.response , and I found that inside the after_request hook code, it can no longer access that same HTTPResponse object, because whatever is referenced by bottle.response is a new response object. The object as returned by HTTPResponse is lost.

And my theory is that it's because bottle.response references LocalResponse() , and is therefore thread-local.

Assuming I cannot modify my after_request hook code, what can I do so that my after_request hook can still access the same HTTPResponse object?

I can think of 2 ways:

1) Instead of returning a new HTTPResponse , I just return a dictionary as the body:

return json.dumps({'key','value'})

But how can I return a status code other than 200 now?

2) Instead of returning a new HTTPResponse , do:

bottle.response.status = 200; bottle.response.body = json.dumps({'key':'value'}); return bottle.response

Is 2) thread-safe? Will it cause issues for multiple requests hitting the server and the returned responses get mixed up in the after_request hook?

Yes, using bottle.response is thread-safe, even in hooks.

NOTE: Personally, I prefer using Bottle's plugins instead of hooks - your plugin can receive the returned HTTPResponse object and act on it directly, which IMO is cleaner than relying on thread local "magic."

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