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Spring @Configuration not overriden in test context

Today I updated my project from Spring Boot 1.5.9 to 2.1.1, and some of my tests stopped working. When i start the tests, error pops on console:

Field authEntryPoint in com.example.rest.config.SecurityConfig required a bean of type 'com.example.rest.service.auth.entrypoints.AuthenticationEntryPoint' that could not be found.

The problem is I have bean of this type defined in my SecurityConfig class, but I am overriding this configuration in my test package in TestApplication class. Security config is defined there as static inner class. I have tried different approaches including Spring profiles and @Primary annotation, but nothing seems to work and Spring doesn't pick my test configuration like it did before. Only thing that worked was when I deleted the non-test version of SecurityConfig class and test version became only bean of this type.

Can someone tell me how do I override this original configuration or how to turn off Spring Security just for testing? Or maybe there is a way to force Spring not to pick up that non-test @Configuration bean?


    public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

        AuthenticationEntryPoint authEntryPoint;

        BasicAuthenticationProvider basicAuthProvider;

        PreAuthenticatedUserDetailsService preAuthUserDetailsService;

        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                            "/rest/files/**/*").hasAnyRole("CLIENT", "SYSTEM")
                    .antMatchers("/public/api/**/*").hasAnyRole("SYSTEM", "USER")

        public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {       

        public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {

Test SpringBootClass with SecurityConfig inside

@SpringBootApplication public class TestApplication {

public static class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {


Example test from the suite

public class DocumentManagementControllerTests {

    MockMvc mvc;

    SystemMetadataService systemMetadataService;

    CustomMetadataService customMetadataService;

    PrinterService printerService;

    EventLoggerService eventLoggerService;

    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<String> systemCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<String> clientCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<Boolean> holdCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<String> retentionCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<String> objectPathCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<Boolean> accessCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<Boolean> manualProcessingCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<Boolean> incorrectCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<Integer> statusCaptor;
    @Captor ArgumentCaptor<Boolean> noTemplateCaptor;

    public void setDocumentAccess_givenProperData_shouldReturnOk() throws Exception {
        when(customMetadataService.setDocumentAccess(anyString(), anyBoolean()))
        .then(inv -> new HcpCreateObjectResult(inv.getArgument(0)));

        Boolean accessForbidden = true; String objectPath = "path";


        verify(customMetadataService).setDocumentAccess(objectPathCaptor.capture(), accessCaptor.capture());
        assertThat(objectPathCaptor.getValue(), is(equalTo(objectPath)));
        assertThat(accessCaptor.getValue(), is(equalTo(accessForbidden)));

I managed to do make this work using @Profile and @ActiveProfiles . But i had to extract my static inner @Configuration class to another java file and then it automagically started to work. Still haven't found why it worked in earlier version of Spring Boot

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