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Row Click Event in vaadin-grid polymer

I have a requirement where a user selects a row(or a cell, for that matter) and presses some key(such as Enter , this is configurable) and I need to take some action based on the key pressed (such as opening a dialog with detailed information about the row).

As I was looking in the code, I stumbled upon a key event handler in vaadin-grid-keyboard-navigation-mixin.html . But the _onKeyDown method handles only some specific keys. And I am not sure how to pass a callback to that function.

Any ideas regarding how this can be done. I just want to attach an key event handler to each cell, that capture the key event(again this is not fixed), and execute appropriate method.

I hope that I have been able to convey my intentions.



addKeyPressListener(Key.ARROW_DOWN, event -> anAwesomeFuncion());

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