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Error 500 deployement Django on IIS Server

I try to deploy a django app to a IIS Server. During this step, I find this error:

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

scriptProcessor could not be found in application configuration

My directory folder are: C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\MyApp (where i Found manage.py)

in wwwroot\\MyApp\\web.config I have:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <directoryBrowse enabled="true" />

I have into my IIS Manager, into my handlermapping of my Sites\\MyApp this datas: Request path: *

Module: FastCgiModule Executable (optional): C:\\Program Files\\Python37\\python.exe|C:\\Users\\ybe\\Envs\\IntranetBenu\\Lib\\site-packages\\wfastcgi.py

If I try to go to C:\\Users\\ybe\\Envs\\MyApp\\Scripts|Lib I find the files need.

Directory browsing are checked for Time, Size Extension and Date (but not long date)

The MyApp ApplicationPool are Started.

Have you any idea of this error ?

Thanks per advance,

The problem persist. I changed the installation Python to c:\\Python37 and moved the Env to C:\\Envs

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