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Retrieve data from multi level inner list using java8 stream

I have List of Employee s , each employee has a list of Department s in it, each department has a list of location , I want to fetch the list of location based on some filter condition.

Here is my code -

for (Employee empl : employeeList) {
    if(empl.getEmployeeName().equals("XXX")) {
        for (Department dept : empl.getDepartmets()) {
            if(dept.getDepartmentName().equals("Sales")) {
                return dept.getLocations();

I want to handle this on java8 steam api , can anyone help ?

          .filter(x -> "XXX".equals(x.getEmployeeName()))
          .flatMap(x -> x.getDepartmets().stream().filter(y -> "Sales".equals(y.getDepartmentName())))

The only point would be that flatMap is not really lazy until if you really care about this and I assume locations is a List of some type here.

  1. Create a Stream<Employee> from the employeeList
  2. filter this stream to retain only employees where their name is "XXX"
  3. map/flatten the Stream<Employee> into a Stream<Department>
  4. filter this list of departments to retain the item where the department name is equal to "Sales"
  5. get the find matching item with findFirst
  6. map to Department::getLocations which you can then get the value the Optional contains with calls to orElse providing a default value or ifPresent or whatever is sufficient in your use case.


   employeeList.stream()  // step 1
               .filter(e -> e.getEmployeeName().equals("XXX")) // step 2
               .flatMap(e -> e.getDepartmets().stream()) // step 3
               .filter(d -> "Sales".equals(d.getDepartmentName())) // step 4
               .findFirst() // step 5
               .map(Department::getLocations); // step 6

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