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How to keep styling on ListView Tableheader Link (after programmatically setting value)

I would like to change the text on a particular table header in a Layout Template in a ListView programmatically (depending on the value in the database). It works but the styling is no longer using the LinkButton styling(green and clickable). Instead it's black and bold (not clickable)

I used the following ( Access "th" in Listview ):

My c#:

HtmlTableCell thCustCol = lstAuthorizations.FindControl("customColumn") as HtmlTableCell;
thCustCol.InnerText = query.Select(x => x.Custom1).First().ToString();

I also tried applying FindControl to "LinkButton10" instead, but then it had an (null reference)exception.

My aspx:

    <div class="table-responsive">
        <table class="table">
                      <th runat="server" id="customColumn"><asp:LinkButton id="LinkButton10" runat="server" CommandArgument="Custom1" CommandName="Sort">Group ID</asp:LinkButton></th>

It looks like this:


The "1000" is a tableheader, but should be a green LinkButton like "Member Name"

What am I missing?

Instead of setting the value to the ID of the LinkButton, I needed to associate the LinkButton to the th in the c# code and then set the value:

LinkButton lk = thCustCol.FindControl("LinkButton1") as LinkButton;
lk.Text = "link text";

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