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How to write list which contains comma in csv file using python?

List contains below data,

['Obama', 'John Barta', 'IN, 33, 33', '444', '']

I am trying to write this data into a csv file using below code,

with open(output_file, 'w') as writeFile:
    writer = csv.writer(writeFile, delimiter=',', quotechar="'", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

But getting below output in csv file,

"Obama","John Barta",'"IN, 33, 33"',"444",""

I don't want single quote between '"IN, 33, 33"'.

Desired output:

"Obama","John Barta","IN, 33, 33","444",""

If you eliminate the quotechar argument from the csv.writer call, it should give you the desired behavior. For example, your function call would become

writer = csv.writer(writeFile, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)

The quotechar argument is what is placed when the delimiter or some other special character is present.

From your sample output, it looks like you want to quote all fields. So the straightforward way to do it would be with:

writer = csv.writer(writeFile, delimiter=',',
               quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

I also changed quotechar to be a double quote, since that's in your sample output also.

Maybe this is too simple, but with defaults write, read returns the original list:

import csv

col_values = ['Obama', 'John Barta', 'IN, 33, 33', '444', '']

with open('data.csv', 'w') as writeFile:
    writer = csv.writer(writeFile)

#=> Obama,John Barta,"IN, 33, 33",444,

with open('data.csv', 'r') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    p_list = list(reader)
#=> [['Obama', 'John Barta', 'IN, 33, 33', '444', '']]

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