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React Native error logging with firebase Crashlytics - How to get javascript stack trace

I have a React native application with configured using react native firebase lib and added the module of Crashlytics . Everything works okay but when i try to log an error using recordError() method or when i just use crash() its just logs errors in the dashboard in native form. I tried to find a way of getting js error to the dashboard but so far nothing has worked.

Is this possible or i should try a different way? maybe another platform like bugsnag or sentry?

This is working for me and showing javascript stacktrace :

catch (error) {
    crashlytics().recordError(new Error(error));

you can use react-native-exception-handler to get a js stack trace for the crash and also send js stack trace to firebase crashlytics

like this

import {getJSExceptionHandler} from 'react-native-exception-handler';

setJSExceptionHandler((error, isFatal) => {
  crashlytics().recordError(new Error(error));

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