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EC2 auto scaling with elastic IP

I have deployed an auto scaling EC2 and has associated an Elastic IP address with it. I'm not using a load balancer, because the total number of users doesn't exceed 20. Therefore, my current settings are to have 1 minimum and 1 maximum servers.

If the EC2 server fails, another one is created instead, which is what i'm trying to do. However, the elastic IP is not automatically remapped to the newly created server.

How can i assign the elastic IP automatically to the newly created EC2 instance? Is there a workaround this issue?


I've added the following to User Data, but the new EC2 is created without a public ip still.

INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s
aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID --allocation-id=eipalloc-**.***.***.***

Without an ELB to manage your Elastic IPs, you'll need to use the User Data field on your EC2 instance to call the aws ec2 associate-address API endpoint upon instance creation:

aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id <instance id> --allocation-id <eip-alloc-id>

The EIP allocation ID can be found using the AWS Console. You can obtain the Instance ID by making this call in the User Data:

INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s

With EC2 & Auto scaling, You need using user data in EC2 to Auto Attach Elastic IP to EC2 Instance For Auto scaling

aws configure set aws_access_key_id "XYZ..."
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key "ABC..."
aws configure set region "ap-..."
aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id "$(curl -X GET "")" --public-ip your_elastic_IP

Note: you should create new user & IAM have only permission associate-address to create/get aws key

Hope it be help you:)

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