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Swift Generic types

Hi I am new to swift and writing iOS application. I would like to know how can I better use generics to pass my result data.

I have one delegate which gives data of person from server

protocol PersonDataProvider {
    func dataReceived(_ result: PersonResult)

Result can have success and fail status through enumeration.

enum PersonResult {
    case success
    case networkFailed

Below class calls server api and fetch data, passes back

class MyNetworkClass {

    var personDataProvider: PersonDataProvider
    func getDataFromServer() {

Below is viewcontroller where i subscribe provider

class MyViewController: PersonDataProvider {

    func dataReceived(_ result: PersonResult) {

        switch result {
        case .success:

        case .networkFailed:
            print("no network")



Now, I would like send extra information with success block which can be anything like below data model. It may have any type.

class Employer:Person {
    let id
    let salary

class Student:Person {
    let id
    let rollNumber

How can I achieve that? Can i define associate type in protocol and achieve if yes how?

How can I subscriber "MyViewController" of "PersonDataProvider" can define type of result he expects from "success" block?

Use an associated value as part of the .success case.

Let's say you have a superclass Person for your types of people. Then define your enum like this:

enum PersonResult {
    case success(Person)
    case networkFailed

Now when you hand back a .success value you must supply a Person to go with it:

func getDataFromServer() {
    let person = Student.init(...) // initialize, or fetch, or whatever

Here is a complete fake example that mocks up the whole thing; you'll have to change the details, but the point is, this compiles:

enum PersonResult {
    case success(Person)
    case networkFailed
protocol PersonDataProvider {
    func dataReceived(_ result: PersonResult)
class MyNetworkClass {
    var personDataProvider: PersonDataProvider!
    func getDataFromServer() {
        let person = Student.init(id: 3, rollNumber: 10)
class Person {}
class Employer:Person {
    let id : Int
    let salary : Int
    init(id:Int, salary:Int) {
        self.id = id; self.salary = salary
class Student:Person {
    let id : Int
    let rollNumber : Int
    init(id:Int, rollNumber:Int) {
        self.id = id; self.rollNumber = rollNumber

You have to move away from delegation pattern to achieve something like what you want. Instead you will need a generic enum of Result type and your networking class which is generic to your data model type.

enum Result<T> {
    case success(T)
    case networkFailed

class MyNetworkClass<T: Person> {
    func getDataFromServer(completion: @escaping (Result<T>)-> Void) {
        // here goes your implementation (data fetching)
        // for demonstration purpose I just initialized object
        if let student = Student(id: 112233, rollNumber: 25) as? T {
        } else if let employer = Employer(id: 445566, salary: 5200) as? T {
        } else {

Then your usage would be:

MyNetworkClass().getDataFromServer { (result: Result<Student>) in // you can also use Employer type
    switch result {
    case .success(let student):
    case .networkFailed:

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