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How to print data from sqlite3 database?

I don't understand how I would print the data that I have queried from a database.

For example:

def display_stock(self):
    with sqlite3.connect("db_name.db") as db:
        cursor = db.cursor()
        sql = "SELECT Name FROM Product WHERE StockLevel > 0"

So I created this function to select all products in a database that are still in stock. But how do I display these products in the database to the user?

You can treat the cursor as an iterator, or get results from the cursor using fetchone() or fetchall()



If you are only executing a SELECT statement, you don't need to commit.

Once you've executed a query, you need to fetch the result. Either with fetchone (fetches one result row), fetchmany (fetches multiple rows) or fetchall fetches all of them. Eg:


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