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How to retrieve attribute from XML file in C#


You can also use XPath within the Xml DOM like this :

string title;
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
// Or any other method to load your xml data in the XmlDocument.
// For example if your xml data are in a string, use the LoadXml method.
XmlElement elt = xml.SelectSingleNode("//SubMenu[@id='1']") as XmlElement;


As Jon suggested, you can use Linq To XML here.

XElement books = XElement.Load(filePath);
var lastId = books.Descendants("book").Select(x=>Int32.Parse(x.Attribute("ID").Value)).Last();

This will give you the last ID in the current list.You can now create your new Node

books.Add(new XElement("book",new XAttribute("ID",(lastId+1).ToString()),
                              new XAttribute("title","New Title"),
                              new XAttribute("price","1234")));
  XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        //Display all the book titles.
        XmlNodeList xNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("/bookstore/book");
        foreach (XmlNode xNode in xNodeList)

            var employeeName = xNode.OuterXml;
            XmlDocument docnew = new XmlDocument();

            foreach (XmlElement report in docnew.SelectNodes("book"))
                string ID = report.GetAttribute("ID");
                string title = report.GetAttribute("title");
                string quantity = report.GetAttribute("quantity");
                string price = report.GetAttribute("price");



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