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how to use ZAP JxBrowser in ZAP selenium?

Currently, we use python selenium to launch firefox, and also configure the firefox proxy setting to go through ZAP proxy.

capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
capabilities['proxy'] = {
            'proxyType': "manual",
            'httpProxy': "",
            'ftpProxy': "",
            'sslProxy': ""

self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(desired_capabilities=capabilities)

But I also see ZAP contains its own browser, JxBrowser

How to use JxBrowser in ZAP seleium...? is there any document about that ?

Let's say, if we login the site with seleium, how could I trigger the spider to scan all the post login pages...? Could ZAP helps me to do that..?

Thanks !

You can use JxBrowser as one of the options with the ZAP ajax spider.

We havnt added an option to launch JxBrowser outside of ZAP as this might break the licensing agreement we have with them - see https://github.com/zaproxy/zap-core-help/wiki/HelpAddonsJxbrowserJxbrowser#licensing for more details. However I'd have no problem launching JxBrowser from ZAP for the user to control via selenium, we'd just need to work out a way to do it that allows the user to take control.

Logging in with selenium and then launching the ZAP spider is a good option. ZAP has a powerful API that allows you to control nearly all of the ZAP features. In this case you'll probably need to find and flag the session the selenium tests started as 'active' - see https://github.com/zaproxy/zap-core-help/wiki/HelpStartConceptsHttpsessions for more details.

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