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request: how to pipe file and keep the response object

I use npm request. I want to download and write a file to the filesystem and after that-use the returned response object for further processing.

I know that I can pipe the response object directly but afterwards I have no response object more for further processing

var result = await request(builtReq).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(myFilePath));

So my implementation at the moment looks like this:

var result = await request(builtReq);

But I am not able to pipe the result object because the streamable state is false.

So I need a way to keep the return of the request and to write the file to the filesystem. Can I reset the stream state or somehow keep the response obj and write the file at the same time? I tried to implement the write file manually via. fs.writeFile() after I received the response obj but I had problems with file encodings because I can receive anything and I ended up with broken files.

Has somebody an idea how to solve that?

Do you want the response object (this contains the status code and headers), or do you need the response body in-memory?

If you only want the response object, and still want the body written to a file, you can grab the response like so:

var response;

await request(builtReq).on('response', r => {
    console.log('Response received: ' + r);
    response = r;

console.log('Finished saving file, response is still ' + response);

If you need to process the actual body, you have a couple options:

  • Keep your existing code as-is, then just read the file off the disk right after it finishes (since you are using await , that would be the next line) and process it in memory.

  • Pipe the input stream to multiple places -- one to the file write stream, and the other to an in-memory buffer (using a standard on('data') handler). Once the stream finishes, the file is saved and you can process the in-memory buffer. See related question node.js piping the same readable stream for several different examples.

remember promises can only be resolved once.

so to solve your problem:

var promise = request(builtReq)

// now do what ever number of operations you need

promise.then(r=>console.log('i will still get data here :)');
promise.then(r=>console.log('and here !');
promise.then(r=>console.log('and here !!');

var result = await promise; // and here to !!

a promise once resolve, the .then will always get the result.

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