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Excel VBA Find String with largest value in adjacent cell

I have a column with some text and another with numbers as below:

--------  -----
| GREY |  | 4 |
--------  -----
| BLUE |  | 3 |
--------  -----
| BLUE |  | 5 |
--------  -----
| GREY |  | 1 |
--------  -----

I'd like to find all the cells containing a certain string (let's say "Blue", see above), then the one with the highest value in the adjacent cell (which would give "5" here).

I know the FIND method and also how to get the largest value of a range (Application.WorksheetFunction.Max) but I have no idea how to combine both.

Could anybody help me please? Thank you in advance and sorry for my english!

You can use the MaxIfs for newer versions like so:

Function MaxIf(maxRange As Range, conditionRange As Range, conditionString As String) As Double

    If Application.Version >= 16 Then
        MaxIf = Application.WorksheetFunction.MaxIfs(maxRange, conditionRange, conditionString)
        Dim FormulaString As String
        FormulaString = "MAX(IF(" & conditionRange.Address & "=""" & conditionString & """, " & maxRange.Address & ", -9e99))"
        MaxIf = CDbl(conditionRange.Parent.Evaluate(FormulaString))
    End If
End Function


Sub test()
    MsgBox MaxIf(Sheet1.Range("B:B"), Sheet1.Range("A:A"), "blue")
End Sub

Newer Excel versions have a MAXIFS function. If you receive a #NAME? error when attempting this worksheet function, try one of these alternatives.

=aggregate(14, 7, b2:b5/(a2:a5="blue"), 1)
=max(index(b2:b5-(a2:a5<>"blue")*1e99, , ))

Use VBA to set a range object var to the cell contining the maximum number.

Sub main()

    Debug.Print maxnumfromcolor(Range("b2:b5"), Range("a2:a5"), "blue")

    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = maxrngfromcolor(Range("b2:b5"), Range("a2:a5"), "blue")
    Debug.Print rng.Address

End Sub

Function maxnumfromcolor(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, str As String) As Double

    Dim i As Long

    Set rng1 = Intersect(rng1, rng1.Parent.UsedRange)
    Set rng2 = rng2.Resize(rng1.Rows.Count, rng1.Columns.Count)

    maxnumfromcolor = 0

    For i = 1 To rng1.Cells.Count

        If LCase(rng2.Cells(i).Value2) = LCase(str) Then
            maxnumfromcolor = _
                Application.Max(rng1.Cells(i).Value2, maxnumfromcolor)
        End If

    Next i

End Function

Function maxrngfromcolor(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, str As String) As Range

    Dim i As Long, mx As Double

    Set rng1 = Intersect(rng1, rng1.Parent.UsedRange)
    Set rng2 = rng2.Resize(rng1.Rows.Count, rng1.Columns.Count)

    mx = 0

    For i = 1 To rng1.Cells.Count

        If LCase(rng2.Cells(i).Value2) = LCase(str) Then
            If mx < rng1.Cells(i).Value2 Then
                Set maxrngfromcolor = rng1.Cells(i)  'use rng2 for 'blue cell
                mx = rng1.Cells(i).Value2
            End If
        End If

    Next i

End Function

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